Doing what we can for the Nepal Appeal...

On Saturday 25th April a massive 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3 million people and left many wounded and homeless. The sheer devastation of this tragedy has escalated at a frightening level with over 6,200 lives lost, and numbers still climbing; the Nepal government say numbers could reach to over 10,000.

With their homes demolished and numerous aftershocks affecting the area, people are sleeping outside under tarpaulins or whatever they can find to use for shelter. Young children have lost parents and loved ones leaving them extremely vulnerable. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world so are desperate for continual medical aid and vital supplies.

The earthquake also triggered avalanches on Mount Everest claiming many lives and injuring scores of climbers. Base Camp 1 has been completely wiped out.

Hillcroft is pleased to announce we have donated £100 towards this very worthwhile cause and our thoughts are with all those affected by this disaster.

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