Hillcroft supports local Mobility Charity!

This Month (Februrary 2015) Hillcroft was pleased to donate a 50 person 1st Aid Kit to Mrs Julia Boon of Yeovil Shopmobility who is a volunteer for this very worthwhile cause.

Yeovil Shopmobility is a scheme providing powered scooters, as well as powered and manual wheelchairs to enable people with limited mobility to shop and use other pleasure/leisure facilities in Yeovil. They also have transportable equipment which will fit into the boot of a car for longer term hire.

Their aim is to enable people with mobility impairments to take increasing control of their own affairs and to pursue personal choice, to advance and improve their quality of life.

Well done to all at Shopmobility and keep up the good work!!

See their website here: http://www.yeovilshopmobility.co.uk/

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